TUNESday #19: Kicking the Sads

click for the music.

It's been a rough week.

I'm trying not to be upset that I still can't run. For a week. - and I tell myself that I'm lucky it wasn't a serious injury and I should be focusing on healing.

I'm trying not to be upset that I'm sick. AGAIN. - and I tell myself that I'm getting better. Sort of. Sniff.

I'm trying not to be upset that I have a bajillion midterms coming up that I only seemed to notice today - and I tell myself that I have time to prepare for them and I've at least done this before.

I'm trying not to be upset that I'm stuck in the middle of several extracurricular snafus - and I tell myself that people in charge are trying their hardest. (Or, as my mother has occasionally pointed out, that it will all will be better when I run it.)

I'm trying not to be upset that a few close friends have been going through personal issues and I don't know how to help them - and I tell myself that they're strong, wonderful people that will hopefully find encouragement in my words and occasional bad jokes. (What's brown and sticky? A stick. Get it?)

I'm trying not to be upset that I'm slipping into being a lot more upset than I am happy and that's not cool, ya dig?

Being sad sucks.

I'm trying to remember that my mom's coming to visit in two weeks and we're going to have all kinds of fun. I'm trying to remember that Malarky's team dominated on The Taste and Ludo wore that bangin' suit and maybe next week he'll spike his hair. I'm trying to remember that they had bbq sauce on tap at the dining hall today, so I could make sure my chicken sandwich was doused in it.

Anyway. I didn't mean to make this a long post but sometimes you sit down and the fingers just kinda get possessed. You feel me? Anyway, I'm trying to kick the sads this week and I'm hoping you aren't. But in case you are! I made a playlist!

Oh, and in case you're going to listen (or have blind faith and clicked on the link without reading...bless you), keep in mind that I don't really listen to sad music when I'm sad...I listen to happy music! BECAUSE. HAPPY.



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