#ZabrinaSecretSanta: Or, This Really Fun Thing You Should Definitely Do

Late one night earlier this week, Sabrina and I realized that we didn't know about any blogger Secret Santas...how could this be!? Doesn't everyone want a special, personalized box of goodies sent to them from a complete stranger!? Doesn't everyone want to meet new bloggers in the process!? Doesn't everyone...
You get the idea.
So, we decided to make our own! We want LOTS of people in on the fun and if you're thinking about signing up...you should probably sign up. Here are the deets:
How do you sign up, you may ask? Simply fill out THIS FORM and we'll have all the info we need. Then, we'll send out emails with your matches soon after Dec 1st. Use the twitter handle and blog url to get to know your blogger, in addition to the other hints that'll get sent to you. Your "allowance" is $20 - decorations, candy, little gifts, and shipping, if necessary. Make sure your package isn't sent later than Dec 15th! 
Use the hashtag #ZabrinaSecretSanta to connect! It doesn't have to be just for the unveiling of your package, but to keep everyone updated on where you are in the process or any great finds you may have. (Just don't give away the identity of your blogger!) 
Sound incredibly fun? Yup, that's what I thought. PLEASE go ahead and sign up on our form, then spread the word! We'd love to have you!

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